Fuzelo Represents the New Age of Fitness Science

Built On 25 Years of R&D. The Magic of Fitness, Sarcopenia and Immune Senescence.

Fuzelo Represents the New Age of Fitness Science

Fuzelo has conducted over 25 years of medical/fitness research studies, including independent, university-published, peer-reviewed studies appearing in prominent scientific journals, such as the Journal of Sports Therapy Rehab and other prominent strength conditioning publications. To our knowledge, no other fitness or telefitness company has performed this extensive level of research.

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Being Strong is the New Sexy!

Being Strong is the New Sexy!

Cardio and losing weight can help you get skinny, but will not get you the strong, firm, body you want.

Don’t diet without doing the resistance core strength training you will need to build muscle strength and tone.

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Time Magazine
“Doctors, researchers, scientists, even ancient philosophers, have long claimed exercise works like a miracle drug. Now they have proof.”

“But considering that a lack of time is the number 1 reason people say they don’t exercise, a workout far shorter than what’s generally recommended could be a strongmotivator. In a study comparing a high intensity 10-minute workout to a standard 50-minute-at-a-time approach workout, both workouts resulted in identical improvements.”

“I hate lifting weights.
Can I just do cardio?”

Sorry, but if your goal is to live longer and healthier, you should do both, because they offer different benefits. Cardio will prevent you from being winded after climbing stairs, while strength training will build muscle and bone, which protects against injury.

“Is high intensity interval training as good as regular exercise?”

More research is needed, but evidence suggests that short, all-out bursts of exercise bring unique benefits. They’re also a great option for the time crunched. New research shows that as long as you go hard, intervals are just as effective as a longer work outs, even for people with some chronic diseases.

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